Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Euryale (mythological name). Nymphaeceae. One species, the Indo-Chinese representative of Victoria regia, from which it differs in having all the stamens fertile (in Victoria the inner ones are sterile) and in the very small fl. and in other technical characters. E. ferox, Salisb., is the species. The Lvs. are 1-4 ft. across, circular, purple and spiny-ribbed beneath, dark green and uneven above: fls. about 2 in. broad, open by day, prickly outside; calyx reddish inside and the 20- 30 purple petals shorter than the calyx-lobes; stamens numerous: fr. a small many-seeded, globular berry, bearing the remains of the calyx on its top; seeds edible. B.M. 1447.—Long cult. in China. Treated as an annual. Has attracted little attention since the intro. of Victoria. Prop, by seeds only, which are best stored in fresh cold water. Plant in rich earth as for nympheas, at 70-75° F. As far north as Philadelphia and St. Louis it is hardy, sowing itself every season. It is ferociously spiny. E. amazonica, Poepp., still advertised in catalogues, is Victoria regia. H. S. Conard. Wm. Thicker.
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963