Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Euphoria (name refers to the fact that the plant carries well its edible frs.). Sapindaceae. A half-dozen trees in Trop. and Subtrop. Asia, allied to Litchi but differing in having petals and a deeply 5-parted imbricate calyx; both genera are sometimes combined in Nephelium. Lvs. pinnate: fls. regular; petals spatulate or lanceolate, hairy inside; stamens usually 8: fr. globular or ellipsoid, more or less tuberculate or warty, the size of a cherry or plum. The following species is widely cult. in the eastern tropics. E. Longana, Lam. (Nephelium Longana, Cambess.). Tree, 30-40 ft., with gray bark: Lvs. scattered: Ifts. opposite or alternate, elliptic to ovate to lanceolate, 2-5 pairs, rather obtuse at both ends, to 12 in. long, entire: fls. small (¼ in. or less across), yellowish white, in puberulent terminal and axillary panicles; calyx deeply 5-6-lobed; petals about equaling calyx, spatulate: fr. globose, reddish or purple, %in. or less diam., tuberculate or becoming warty or nearly smooth, with an edible aril. India. B.M. 4096. B.R. 1729.—A much-prized fr. in China, under the name of longyen, or linkeng, resembling litchi but smaller and smoother and yellow-brown. L. H. B. CH
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
External links
- w:Euphoria. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
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