Euphorbia corollata
Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Euphorbia corollata. Linn. (Tithymalopsis corollata, Klotzsch & Garcke). Flowering Spurge. Fig. 1437. Plant 1½-3 ft. high, usually glabrous, slender and diffusely branched above: Lvs. ovate-oblong to lanceolate, 1-2 in. long, those of the infl. much smaller and opposite: involucral glands 5, with conspicuous white appendages. July-Oct. On rather dry soil E. U. S. B.M. 2992. L.B.C. 4390. F.R. 1 : 969.— A hardy herbaceous perennial used like gypsophila for cutting, and as a bedder in light soil. There are many variations in size, shape, color and pubescence of plant, Lvs. and infl. CH
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
External links
- w:Euphorbia corollata. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
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