Episcia cupreata

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[[{{{domain}}}]] > [[{{{superregnum}}}]] > [[{{{regnum}}}]] > [[{{{subregnum}}}]] > [[{{{superdivisio}}}]] > [[{{{superphylum}}}]] > [[{{{divisio}}}]] > [[{{{phylum}}}]] > [[{{{subdivisio}}}]] > [[{{{subphylum}}}]] > [[{{{infraphylum}}}]] > [[{{{microphylum}}}]] > [[{{{nanophylum}}}]] > [[{{{superclassis}}}]] > [[{{{classis}}}]] > [[{{{subclassis}}}]] > [[{{{infraclassis}}}]] > [[{{{superordo}}}]] > [[{{{ordo}}}]] > [[{{{subordo}}}]] > [[{{{infraordo}}}]] > [[{{{superfamilia}}}]] > [[]] > [[{{{subfamilia}}}]] > [[{{{supertribus}}}]] > [[{{{tribus}}}]] > [[{{{subtribus}}}]] > Episcia {{{subgenus}}} {{{sectio}}} {{{series}}} cupreata {{{subspecies}}} var. {{{cultivar}}}

Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Episcia cupreata is one of the standard basket plants, especially for the warmest greenhouses. It can also be used in pyramids and mounds, as told under Fittonia. As it does not require so close an atmosphere as the fittonias, it can be grown in some living-rooms and perhaps outdoors in summer in a shady place. Its chief charms are the slender, trailing habit, the soft hairiness of the leaves, the coppery hue, which is often laid on like paint in two broad bands skirting the midrib, and the rarer and perhaps finer metallic bluish luster of which one occasionally gets a glimpse hi a finely grown specimen. Give very rich, fibrous loam, mixed with peat, leaf-mold and sand; in summer partial shade. CH

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.

Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Episcia cupreata, Hanst. (Achimenes cupreata, Hook.). Sts. slender, creeping, branched, rooting at the joints, with a main branch rising erect a few inches, which bears the fls. and the largest lvs.: lvs. copper- colored above: fls. solitary, 9 lines wide, scarlet, with a small sac and denticulate limb. Nicaragua. Var. viridifolia,Hook., has green foliage and larger fls., 1 in. across.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.


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