Echinocereus enneacanthus

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Echinocereus enneacanthus, Engelm. (Cereus enneacanthus, Engelm.). Freely branching at the base of the st. and thus forming thick, irregular clusters: branches ascending, usually 3-5 in. long by 1½-2 in. diam., green or sometimes reddish: ribs 8-10, straight, often divided by transverse grooves into more or less conspicuous tubercles: areoles ⅜-⅝ in. apart, round, white curly- woolly, soon naked: radial spines 7-12 (mostly 8), horizontally spreading, needle-form, straight, stiff, translucent white, base bulbose, the under one longest, reaching about ½ in., the upper one very short; central solitary, or seldom with 2 additional upper ones, straight, porrect or deflexed, round or angled, whitish to straw-yellow or darker, ⅜-1½ in. long; later all the spines are gray: fls. lateral, from near the crown or lower, 1¾-2½ in. long, red to purplish: fr. spherical, green to red, spiny, ¾-1 in. long. Texas and N. Mex. CH

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