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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Dipelta (Greek dis, twice, and pelte, shield; two of the floral bracts are shield-like). Caprifoliaceae. Ornamental deciduous shrubs, grown for their handsome pinkish or purple flowers.

Leaves opposite, short-petioled, entire or denticulate, without stipules: fls. solitary or in leafy few-fld. racemes, with 4 unequal conspicuous bracts at the base; calyx- lobes linear or lanceolate, 5; corolla tubular-campanulate, 2-lipped; stamens 4, inclosed; style slender, shorter than corolla; ovary inferior, elongated, 4-celled, 2 of the cells with 1 fertile ovule each and 2 cells with several sterile ovules: fr. a caps, inclosed by the enlarged, usually shield-like, bracts.—Four species in Cent, and W. Asia.

Dipeltas resemble diervillas in habit, with handsome pinkish or purple flowers in clusters along last year's tranches; the flowers in shape are like those of a large-flowered abelia. D. flaribunda has proved hardy at the Arnold Arboretum, while D. ventricosa seems to be somewhat tenderer. They are apparently not particular as to the soil. Propagation is by seeds sown in spring and probably, like Abelia and Diervilla, by greenwood and hardwood cuttings.

D.yunnanensis, Franch. Allied to D. ventricosa. Lvs. entire: corolla distinctly tubular at the base. W. China. R.H. 1891, p. 246. Not yet intro.—D. elegans, Batal, is another handsome species not yet in cult. Alfred Rehder. CH

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