Diospyros virginiana

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Diospyros virginiana, Linn. Common Persimmon. Fig. 1271. Tree, to 50 ft., rarely to 100 ft., with round-topped head and spreading, often pendulous branches: lvs. ovate or elliptic, acuminate, shining above, glabrous at length or pubescent beneath, 3-6 in. long: fls. short-stalked. greenish yellow, staminate in 3's, ⅓ in. long, with lo stamens; pistillate solitary, larger, with 4 2-lobed styles, connate at the base: fr. globose or obovate, plum-like, with the enlarged calyx at the base, 1-1½ in. diam., pale orange, often with red cheek, edible, varying in size, color and flavor. June. Conn, to Fla., west to Kans. and Texas. S.S. 6:252, 253. G.F. 8:265. Mn. 4:21. Gn. 57, p. 146. A.G. 11:651. V. 4.20. G.W. 16:230. CH

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