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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Didymocarpus (twin fruit). Gesneriaceae. Attractive warmhouse herbs, with few showy flowers. A polymorphous genus, distributed in E. India. Malaya, China, and Trop. Afr., differently named and defined by different authors. Roettlera is an older name, and has been used recently, but it is discarded by the "nomina conservanda" list of the Vienna code. The genus includes Chirita and Trachystigma according to Fritsch, and it then numbers more than 100 species. Bentham & Hooker omit Chirita, which differs in its 2-parted stigma, always 2 stamens, and other characters; in this work it is kept distinct. Didymocarpus comprises plants that are caulescent or nearly acaulescent, sometimes woody, of various habit: lvs. radical and cauline, those on the st. opposite or alternate, crenate, more or less wrinkled and hairy: fls. violet, blue, white or even yellow, on few-fld. scapes or axillary peduncles; corolla with an elongated tube which is widened at the throat or ventricose, the limb spreading and somewhat 2-lobed; stamens 2 or rarely 4, the anthers connivent or coherent and cells divergent; style long or short, the stigma little dilated and entire or nearly so.—The species require the treatment given the warmhouse gesneriaceous plants; usually difficult to grow, or are soon lost because seeds may not be produced. Several species are mentioned in horticultural literature; but the following are more recently intro. and are likely to be cult, or perhaps in the trade. They are low herbs with few lvs., resembling Streptocarpus. Many new species have recently been added to this interesting genus, and a number of them may be expected to appear in cult.
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
External links
- w:Didymocarpus. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
- Didymocarpus QR Code (Size 50, 100, 200, 500)