Cycas pectinata

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Cycas pectinata, Griff. Fig. 1180. A glabrous evergreen palm-like tree, to 10 ft. high in its native habitat but usually much shorter in cult.: lvs. ascending, recurved, 5-7 ft. long; pinnae 7-10 in. long, narrowly linear tapering into a minute apical spine, subfalcate; blade of carpophyll covered with dense tawny wool throughout, 6 in. long, broadly orbicular, long-acuminate, its margin deeply subulate-pectinate, stalk about equal in length to the blade with 2 or 3 pairs of ovules above the middle; spiny marginal teeth ¾in. long; terminal point 1½ in. long, tapering from a flat base, with 1 or 2 spinous teeth: seeds about 1½ in. long, ovoid: male cone 18 in. long, 6 in. diam., cylindric-ovoid; anther-bearing scales 1½ in. long, 1 in. diam., deltoid-clavate, the apex much thickened, abruptly acuminate, terminal point 1½ in. long, spine-like, ascending. India, Nepaul, East Bengal, 2,000 ft. elevation. Assam, Martaban, in pine forests. G.F. 4:114 (adapted in Fig. 1180). CH

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