Crataegus aprica
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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Crataegus aprica, Beadle. A shrub or small tree, sometimes to 20 ft., with spreading branches and slender zigzag branchlets armed with thin straight spines 1-1½ in. long: Lvs. broadly obovate or oval, acute or rounded at the apex, narrowed into the short petiole, serrate usually only above the middle and often slightly lobed, with gland-tipped teeth, pubescent on both sides while young, at maturity glabrous, dark yellow-green and thickish,¾-1½ in. long: fls. ¾in. across, in 3-6-fld. compact pubescent corymbs; calyx-lobes glandular- serrate: fr. globose, ½in. across, dull orange-red, with 3-5 stones. May; fr. Oct. Va. to Ga. and Tenn. S.S. 13:698.—This species has proved hardy at the Arnold Arboretum.
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
External links
- w:Crataegus aprica. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
- Crataegus aprica QR Code (Size 50, 100, 200, 500)