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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Colutea (Koloutea, ancient Greek name). Leguminosae. Bladder Senna. Shrubs grown chiefly for their attractive yellow or brownish red flowers and the ornamental bladder-like pods.

Deciduous, with alternate, odd- pinnate Lvs.: lfts. many; rather small; stipules small: fls. papilionaceous, in axillary, few-fld., long-peduncled racemes, yellow to brownish red; calyx campanula, 5-toothed ; standard suborbicular with 2 swellings above the claw; 9 stamens connate, 1 free: pod inflated, bladder -like, many- seeded. — About 15 species in the Medit. region to Abyssinia and Himalayas. Ornamental free-flowering plants of rapid growth, with pale green or glaucous foliage and yellow or brownish red fls. during summer, followed by large, usually reddish- colored and decorative pods. They grow in almost any soil, but prefer a tolerably dry and sunny position; not quite hardy N., the hardiest being C. arborescens. — Prop, by seeds sown in spring or by cuttings of mature wood inserted in fall in sandy soil; rarer species and varieties are sometimes grafted on C. arborescens in spring under glass.

C. brevialata, Lange. Shrub, to 4 ft.: Lfts. usually 11, oval, ½-¾in. long: fls. 2-6,yellow; wings much shorter than keel. S. France.—C. gracilis, Freyn & Sintenis. Lfts. usually 11, obovate, ¼-½in long: fls. 2-5, yellow, with the wings almost as long as the keel. Turkestan.—C. tria. Mill. (C. halepica. Lam. C. Pocockii. Ait.). To 4 ft.: lfts. glaucous, small and numerous: fls. yellow, nearly 1 in. long; wing longer than the keel.—C. nepalensis, Hook. Similar to C. arborescens: racemes drooping. B.M. 2622. B.R. 1727. Tender. Alfred Rehder. CH

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