Clematis ternifolia

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Clematis ternifolia, AKA “Sweet Autumn Clematis”

Very vigorous, fast growing vine, can reach 20ft in one season. Unusually late blooming for a Clematis, bearing clouds of fragrant, 1”, star-shaped, white flowers Summer thru Fall. Has sweet vanilla fragrance. After the flowers fade, silvery, plume-like seed heads decorate the vine. Blooms on current season’s wood. Easily & best pruned in late Spring by cutting last year’s stems 6-12” above the ground. Don’t be afraid to prune drastically - it’s so vigorous that by midseason it will be covering the fence or trellis again. Plant in a sunny, well drained location where its roots can be shaded & cool (a thick layer of mulch works fine). Deciduous to semi-deciduous.


Avg. water



USDA zones 4-10

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