Clematis crispa
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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Clematis crispa, Linn. A slender climber, reaching 3-4 ft.: lvs. very thin; lfts. 3-5 or more, variable in outline and sometimes undivided, often 3-5-lobed: fls. purple, varying to whitish, cylindrical or bell-shaped, 1-2 in. long; points of sepals recurved; styles of fr. hairy but not plumose. June-Sept. Va. to Texas. B.R. 32:60. B.M. 1892. I.H.2:78 (as C. campaniflora). G. 30:503: 34:147. V. 6:379. Lav. 14.—This and the allied species are fragrant. A hybrid of this species is C. cylindrica, Sims (x C. integrifolia). See No. 1. A number of hybrid forms, the offspring of a cross between this species and C. texensis are figured and described in M.D.G. 1898:500 and one as "blue bells" in Gn. 49, p. 189. CH Below is a synonym of C. Crispa (per USDA): Clematis Simsii, Sweet (C. Pitcheri, Torr. & Gray). High climbing: branchlets pubescent: lvs. of 3-4 pairs of lfts. and a terminal 1ft. reduced almost to a midrib; lfts. coarsely reticulated, lobed or 3-parted, usually mucronate: fls. 1 in. long and ¾ in. diam., with swollen base; sepals dull purple, recurved at the tips: achenes pubescent, styles not plumose. June-Aug. S. Ind. to Mo., southward to Mex. Lav. 15. B.M. 1816 (as C. cordata). Var. Sargentii, Rehd. (C. Sargentii, Lav.). Fls. smaller, paler: lfts. rarely lobed. Lav. 18.—A hybrid of this species with C. texensis is figured in R.H. 1833:376.CH
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
External links
- w:Clematis crispa. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
- Clematis crispa QR Code (Size 50, 100, 200, 500)