Chaenomeles japonica
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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Chaenomeles japonica, Lindl. (Pyrus japonica, Thunb. Cydonia japonica, Pers. Chaenomeles lagenaria, Koidzumi). Japan Quince. Japonica. Fig. 889. Shrub, 3-6 ft., with spreading, spiny branches: lvs. ovate or oblong, acute, sharply serrate, glabrous, glossy above, 1 ½-3 in. long: fls. in 2-6-fld. clusters, scarle-red in the type, 1½-2 in. across: fr. globular or ovoid, 1½-2 in. high, yellowish green. March, April. China, Japan. R.B. 1:260. L.B.C. 16:1594. Gn. 33, p. 491; 40:126; 50, p. 106 (frs.); 71, p. 262 (habit). G.C.III. 34:434. B.H. l: 260 (frs.). R.H. 1876:330(fr.). G.M.35, suppl. Nov. 12. V. 4:38.—Many garden forms in all shades from white to deep scarlet, and also with double fls. Some of the best are the following: Var. ftlba, Lodd. Fls. white, blushed. L.B.C. 6:541. Var. albo-cincta, VanHoutte. Fls. white with pink margin. F.S. 14:1403. Var. albo-rosea, Spaeth. Fls. white, partly pink. G.W. 7:113. Var. atrosanguinea plena, Hort. Fls. deep scarlet, semi-double. Var. Baltzii, Spaeth. Fls. beautiful rosy pink, very floriferous. G.W. 7:113. Var. candida, Hort. Fls. pure white. Var. cardinalis, Carr. Fls. large, deep scarlet. R.H. 1872:330, f. 1. Var. eburnea, Carr. Fls. pure white, rather small. R.H. 1872:330, f. 4. Var. Gaujardii, Lem. Fls. salmon-orange. I.H. 7:260. Var. grandiflora, Rehd. (C. alba grandiflora, Carr.). Fls. nearly white, large. R. H. 1876:410. Gn. 13:144. Var. Mallardii, Carr. Fls. rose, bordered white. R.H. 1872:330, p. 2. I.H. 4:135. G.Z. 1:208. Var. Moerloosei, Versch. Fls. white, striped pink. I.H. 3:107. F.S. 5:510. Var. Papeleui, Lem. Fls. yellow, bordered pink. I.H. 7:260. Var. pendula, Temple & Beard, with slender, pendulous branches. Var. rosea plena, Hort. Fls. rose, semi- double. Var. rubra grandiflora, Hort. Fls. large, deep crimson. Var. sanguinea plena, Hort. Fls. scarlet, double. Var. serotina, Andre. Fls. in stalked leafy clusters in autumn. R.H. 1894, pp. 424, 425; 1903, p. 20. Var. Simonii, Andre. Fls. dark crimson, semi-double: low and upright. G.W. 7:113. Var. sulphurea, Hort. (var. sulphurea perfecta, Van Houtte). Fls. yellowish. Var. umbilicata, Sieb. & De Vries. With rose-red fls., and large frs. umbilicate at the apex. F.S. 5:510. CH
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
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- w:Chaenomeles japonica. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
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