Campanula carpatica
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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Campanula carpatica, Jacg. Fig. 769. Perennial, 9-18 in., glabrous: st. branching: lower lvs. thin, long-petioled, ovate-rotund, cordate, coarsely dentate, undulate; upper ones shorter petioled, ovate-acuminate: peduncles long, terminal and axillary, 1-fld.; fls. large, often 1½ in. wide, bright deep blue; calyx-tube obconical, the lobes acute, wide at the base, subdentate-erect, a third or half as long as the broadly bell-shaped corolla; style not exserted: caps, ovoid-cylindrical. Carpathian Mts. of Austria. B.M. 117. G.C. III. 46:412. G.W. 12, p. 436. Gn. 48, p. 297; 62, p. 326. Var. coelestina, Hort. Fls. sky-blue. Var. alba, Hort. Fls. white. G.M. 55:615. Var. turbinata, Hort. (C. turbinata, Schott), is dwarfer, more compact, with fls. more bell- or top-shaped, and often 2 in. across, purplish blue. It also has larger lvs. and more decumbent habit. Gn.45. p. 171; 68, p. 179; 75, p. 201. G.W. 12, p. 446. F.E.17:15. A form with pallid fls. is rarer. Var. Wilsonii, Hort. (C. Wilsonii, Hort.), is a hybrid of var. turbinala and C. pulla, with the large fls. of the former and the handsome dark foliage of the latter: it is compact, dwarf, and small, ovate, very hairy lvs., with crenate-serrate margin. Gn. 60, p. 219. Var. haylodgensis, Hort. (C. haylodgensis, Hort.), is a garden hybrid, probably between C. carpatica and C. caespitosa. Raised by Anderson Henry, Hay Lodge, Edinburgh. Height 6-9 in.: root- lvs. tufted, roundish cordate, slightly dentate: st.-lvs. light green, ovate-cordate, conspicuously toothed: fls. light blue, bell-shaped, few, at the ends of sts. Var. pelviformis, Hort., from Crete, has very large, pale lilac, almost saucer-shaped fls. R.H. 1882, p. 509. G.C. III. 44:64. Var. Hendersonii, Hort., is often referred to var. turbinata, but is more robust; there is doubt as to its origin, C. pyramidalis or C. alliariaefolia possibly having played some part in it: lvs. ovate and ovate-cordate, 1½ in. long, ¾in. broad, slightly hairy on both sides, folded upwards, serrate; petioles 1-1½ in. long: fls. dark blue, 1½-2 in. wide, in short, 6-9-fld. racemes. G.W. 8, p. 65; 14, p. 581. Var. riverslea, Hort. Fls. dark blue, 2-3 in. across: sts. 12-15 in. long but spreading; parts of corolla often 6 or 7. G.M. 43:627. Var. compacta, Hort., is a condensed dwarf form. C. Stansfieldii, Hort., is supposed to be a hybrid between C. carpatica and C. Waldsteiniana (No. 31).—This species is very variable in height and in shape of fls. CH
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
External links
- w:Campanula carpatica. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
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