Begonia gloire de lorraine

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 Begonia gloire de lorraine subsp. var.  
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[[]] > Begonia gloire de lorraine var. ,

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Begonia gloire de lorraine (B. socotrana. x B. Dregei). Fig. 505. One of the finest hybrid begonias ever raised: Lvs. small, nearly regular, pure green: fls. almost exclusively male, 4-petaled, large, borne in road panicles, covering the whole superior part of the plant, rose- colored, not deciduous. Gt. 42, p. 111. A.F. 12:842. G.F. 5:247.— Although B. socotrana is semi-bulbous. and B. Dregei has a thickened rhizome, the hybrid forms show neither, but the base of the st. throws out many shoots, which can be separated and insure the multiplication of the plant. Intro, by Lemoine in 1892.—There are several forms of this plant now in cult. Rothschilds variety has larger and darker colored fls. than the type. Turnford Hall is a form with white fls. Caledonia also has white fls. but is far inferior as a garden plant to that of Turnford Hall. Glory of Cincinnati, a form with very lasting large satiny pink fls., is a seedling from B. socotrana X a sport of Gloire de lorraine; it bloomed first in Dec., 1908, and was intro. to trade in 1910 (J. A. Peterson).

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



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