Bartlettina sordida

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Bartlettina sordida
Bartlettina sordida-IMG 6800.JPG
Habit:  ?
Height:  ?m (15 ft)
Origin: Mexico
Exposure:  ?
Water:  ?
Features: leaves, flowers, fragrance
Bloom: fall through spring
USDA Zones:  ?
Sunset Zones:
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Bartlettina sordida-IMG 6799.JPG

evergreeen, multi-branching shrub to 15' tall

From Mexican cloud forests

Main attractions are plush, large (2 feet across), velvety leaves, with purple veins and irregular violet tinge

Purplish pink ageratum-like flowers are fragrant and appear from fall through spring in masses at the ends of cane-like stems

Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Bartlettina sordida (Eupatorium atrorubens, Nichols. Hebeclinium atrorubens, Lem.). Lvs. large, ovate, short-stalked, heart-shaped at base, opposite, toothed, covered on the edge and veins with long reddish or claret-colored hair: heads red or purple, in a very large red-rayed truss. S. Mex.—A stately species with fine foliage and richly colored fls., but said to be difficult to grow. Rare in cult. Closely related, if not identical, is E. grandiflorum, Andre, though figured with smaller heads of redder color. CH

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.


thrives and grows fast in bright shade and moist, rich soil


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