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 Barbarea subsp. var.  Winter cress, Yellow rocket
Barbarea vulgaris
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Features: edible
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Brassicaceae > Barbarea var. ,

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Barbarea (Bar-ba-ré-a, Winter cress or Yellow rocket) is a genus of about 22 species of flowering plants in the family Brassicaceae, native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, with the highest species diversity in southern Europe and southwest Asia.

They are small herbaceous biennial or perennial plants with dark green, deeply lobed leaves and yellow flowers with four petals.

Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Barbarea (from the old name, Herb of Saint Barbara). Cruciferae. Hardy biennials, with yellow flowers, sometimes cultivated; allied to water-cress and horseradish.

Branching leafy herbs: fls. small, yellow, clustered: fr. a linear cylindrical and 4-angled pod, the valves keeled.

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