Aquilegia chrysantha
Aquilegia chrysantha subsp. var. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Aquilegia chrysantha, Gray (A. leptocèras var. chrysantha, Hook.). Fig. 294. Height 3-4 ft.: root-lvs. with twice 3-branched petioles, lfts. biternate; st.-lvs. several, petioled: fls. many on the plant, 2-3 in. across; sepals pale yellow, tinted claret, spreading horizontally; petal- limb deep yellow, shorter than the sepals, and nearly as long as the head of stamens; spur rather straight, very slender, divergent, about 2 in. long, descending when fl. is mature: follicles glabrous, 1 in. long; style half as long. May-Aug. New Mex. and Ariz. Gn. 16: 264; 51, p. 385. B.M. 6073. R.H. 1896, p. 108. F.R. 2:169. Gt. 33:84. G.C. 1873:1501. F.M. 1873:88. V. 2:33 f. 3. F.S. 20:2108. H.F. 4:120. H.U. 3, p. 324. Var. flavéscens, Hort. (A. áurea, Junk. A. canadénsis var. áurea, Roezl). Fls. yellow, tinged with red; spurs incurved, and shorter than in the type. Gt. 21:734. Var. alba-plena, Hort. (var. grandiflora alba, Hort.). Fls. very pale yellow or nearly white, with two or more whorls of petal-limbs. Intro. 1889. V. 12:311. G.W. 8, p. 375. Var. nana, Hort. (A. leptocèras var. lútea, Hort.). Like the type, but plant always small, not exceeding 1½ ft. Var. Jáeschkanii, Hort. About the same height as last: fls. large, yellow, with red spurs.—Thought to be a hybrid of A. chrysantha x Skinneri, hence sometimes called A. Skinneri var. hybrida, Hort.
Pests and diseases
- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
External links
- w:Aquilegia chrysantha. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
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