Amicia subsp. var. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Amicia (named for J. B. Amici, Italian physicist, born 1786). Leguminosae. Woody plants, one of which is known in cultivation as a half-hardy greenhouse subject, or in the open in warmer regions. Straggling pellucid-dotted shrubs, or sub-shrubs, with alternate abruptly pinnate Lvs. and few lfts.: fls. rather large, papilionaceous, yellow, in axillary or terminal racemes or rarely solitary; calyx with 2 very large upper segms. and very small lateral segms.; stamens equal: fr. very narrow, compressed, jointed.—About 5 species in the mts. of Mex. to Bolivia.
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