Acacia mellifera

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 Acacia mellifera subsp. var.  Swarthaak
Habit: tree
Height: to
Width: to
25ft 15ft
Height: warning.png"" cannot be used as a page name in this wiki. to 25 ft
Width: warning.png"" cannot be used as a page name in this wiki. to 15 ft
Lifespan: perennial
Bloom: early spring, mid spring, late spring, early winter, mid winter, late winter
Exposure: sun
Features: flowers
Hidden fields, interally pass variables to right place
Minimum Temp: °Fwarning.png"°F" is not a number.
USDA Zones: 9 to 11
Sunset Zones:
Flower features: white
Fabaceae > Acacia mellifera var. ,

Acacia mellifera is a perennial tree which is listed as being not threatened.[1]

The name mellifera refers to its sweet-smelling blossoms and honey. Its lumber turns pitch black when oiled. Common names of the tree include Blackthorn and Swaarthaak (Afrikaans).

Acacia mellifera is found in the dry areas of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, India and in the Indian Ocean area.[1]

Acacia mellifera can manifest itself either as a multi-trunked bush up to seven meters high with more or less a funnel-shaped crown, but also as a small single-trunked tree, which can reach a height of up to nine meters. This kind of acacia can reproduce by seed formation and by stick excursion to form an impenetrable thicket of several hundred individuals.



Pests and diseases





  1. 1.0 1.1 What goes here?
  2. ILDIS

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