Hi, I just wanted to let you know I've finished a long-planned addition of functionality to the site which will address both of your concerns in a way that I think works well for everyone. If you go to Form:Plant, you can either add or edit any plant you like by typing in the name. Once the form is filled in with the information on height, temperature, etc, you'll notice that when you save the page, if you just entered in the temperature in meters only, it will display in meters. But if someone doesn't know metric well, they can put their mouse cursor over the number, and they will get a box pop up that tells them in inches or feet what the height is.
For the Cyclopedia text, you will now notice a "Hide" button next to the the header for the text now. So, if you don't want to look at it, it's very easy to hide. The note at the bottom of the box explains that.
Hope you like the upgrades!