hits 10,000 articles!

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For Release 9 a.m. EST
August 10, 2009 "Wiki for Plants" hits 10,000 articles

Growing Number of Visitors and Contributors Helping Fuel Rapid Article Growth of, the Plant Encylopedia and Gardening Wiki Website.

WWW — August 10, 2009 — After over two years of rapid growth, has passed the 10,000 article milestone. The number of new articles each day continues to grow, as do the number of photos and visitors. With the addition of the 10,000th article, has reached a new level as a comprehensive resource for gardeners around the world. Plants which grow in every climate and originating from every continent now populate the site. Each plant article has a general plant description, and includes information on cultivation, propagation, pests and diseases, and lists of the different varieties. Each plant article also has a photo gallery section and links to additional resources both on and off the site.

Like Wikipedia, uses the open editing wiki format, allowing visitors to add information to any article, or add their own new entries and photos. Templates and instructions guide new users through the process, which starts by simply clicking on the “edit” tab above any article.

“With the wiki format allowing the entire world to help build this site, I hope to one day see the site become a comprehensive database of every single garden plant in the world,” said Raffi, the founder of the site. “With new community features just added, the site will also allow gardeners to share tips and discuss gardening topics of the day.”

New community features saw the recent addition of two new features, which will help gardeners communicate and share their knowledge, questions and perhaps even seeds. The newly added forums give gardeners a place to ask any gardening question they can’t find an answer to on the site, share tips, news and discuss just about anything they would like. New profile pages make it easy for visitors to share as much information as they choose about themselves and their gardens, and to write on each other’s message boards, while making friends and foes of other visitors.

Easier editing

As more visitors venture into editing existing pages and adding new ones, they’ll notice that things just got much easier with the “Add a plant” link on the navigation menu, and the WYSIWYG editing of pages. Both of these encourage visitors to add a bit of knowledge to the important resource that has become, knowledge which is instantly available to anyone in the world, as soon as the visitor clicks on “Save Page”. was founded in 2007, originally as, as a free resource for gardeners around the world. Anyone can edit or add articles. The site has thousands of articles and photos, as well as forums and social profile pages for users.

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Edited On 3:18:26 PM - Wed, Aug 19th 2009 by Raffi

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