Neighbors share garden-grown produce

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Some snippets from a very interesting article about neighborhood food sharing clubs. A great way to get a greater variety of fruits and veggies than you are growing in your own garden. Put up some signs in your neighborhood to start your own coop, or maybe write something in the neighborhood paper.

LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- If you've joined the trend of growing produce in your backyard, you may have found you had more fruit and vegetables than you could eat, but there are ways to share your wealth and get something back.

Produce is picked and brought to one house by noon on Saturday (once a month in this group). Then, it is sorted and divided.

On this particular day, pomegranates, onions, tomatoes, avocados and scores of herbs of all kinds were divided up evenly. Some drop off food, some come and bag and others deliver.

"It really has cut our grocery bills just in half and suddenly people in our neighborhood actually know each other," Walch said.

Here's a link to Walch's coop website - and here's a link to her page on starting new chapters -
Edited On 4:53:53 PM - Thu, Oct 22nd 2009 by Raffi

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