Interesting plants from your Botanical Garden

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Many Botanical Gardens have spring and fall plant sales, where you can pick up some much more interesting plant varieties than you might normally see at your local nursery or garden center. Some have much bigger selections than others, and some have much lower prices than others, so it's a good excuse to get out there, look for some new plant varieties you've never hear of, and check out the garden grounds as well. You might get some good ideas for your garden, or spot some other plants that you can look out for in the future. It's a great way to support your local gardens, and meet other gardeners in your neighborhood. If you've never been to one of these sales, you know that the early bird gets the worm! There are always gardeners lining up for opening time to get the first pick at the plants available.

Be sure to consult for information on your new plants, or if you find some information missing on this site that you learn at the botanic garden, go ahead and add it to the site!
Edited On 12:22:57 AM - Tue, Sep 22nd 2009 by Raffi

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its very good idea, take plants from botanical gardens.
I have got seeds and I grow usefull fruits of species actinidia kolomikta and actinidia arguta and lonicera kamtschatica.I like to pick fruit of my own garden.

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[email protected] fruits

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