transplanting hydrangea - i have questions.

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Hydrangea's enjoy a richer soil, so soil amendment is never a bad idea. You should also cut back them back to one or two feet if they are bigger, to reduce transplant shock. Other than that, no fertilizer necessary, and certainly no pennies! If you dig up a very big rootball, there should be no problem transplanting now, but if you don't dig up a very big one, a frost might cause a bit of damage. So it depends on where you are and how much digging you want to do.

If you look closely at your lawn and see that new seeds are still coming up, you can wait another few weeks and see if it's filling in more before deciding. If no new ones are sprouting up at all, and you're afraid it will take too long to fill in the gaps (depending on their size), you might want to go ahead and add a bit more seed now.

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