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10:33:40 AM - Tue, Feb 16th 2010 |
I was just wandering through the place most people refer to as the internet, and I came across an article on how to take care of slugs and snails.
Many of the articles advise things like a small jar of beer, buried in the ground, then empty it out every few days, into your rubbish.
Or you can perhaps hand pick them, put them into a jar of soapy water, and then into your rubbish.
You could also substitute the road for your rubbish.
Noticing the trend?
All these sites suggest putting these delightfully annoying creatures into your rubbish, or something similar.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I sometimes find that I have many hundreds of snails to remove, and I just thought, what about drowning them in normal water? Surely it would be a better idea to get those pesky little critters, and make them useful, and what more of a useful way to deal with a large problem, than to put them back into your garden, dead?
They'll break down, no?
I haven't really looked into it, but it could be an interesting idea, they might make a good liquid fertiliser? Help add a bit of a boost to your compost heap?
Any comments on this idea would be much appreciated! Has anyone tried this before? Or know someone who has?
Edited On 8:50:00 AM - Wed, Feb 17th 2010 by Potassium
"Gardening is a kind of disease. It infects you, you cannot escape it. When you go visiting, your eyes rove about the garden; you interrupt the serious cocktail drinking because of an irresistible impulse to get up and pull a weed." - Lewis Gannit