Appropedia - related wiki (and something to help both)

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Hi! I just discovered your site through the PlanetGreen article. I spend my time at Appropedia, which has a lot of overlap with Gardenology. We have pages about permaculture, lazy gardening, water management (mulching and swales) and the like, and specific crops, but with more of a sustainability and development angle. Save the planet, feed the world.

I'm extremely happy to see that you're use Creative Commons BY-SA, same as us, so we can share content back and forth between our wikis as appropriate. I think there are a lot of pages on each wiki that could be used to start something on the other wiki; we also have permission to use a lot more content that we still have to convert to wiki markup.

One thing that would be great for both our sites would be to add each other to our interwiki maps, so that the Appropedia:Permaculture would point to an Appropedia page (similar to Wikibooks:Cookbook & Wikihow:Garden). You might be aware that this removes the "nofollow" tag, so it gives a boost to trusted sites.

Looking forward to talking more!

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