forums are launched!

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At long last, Gardenology has discussion forums! Now it is possible to discuss the website, gardening, plants, and other topics, in a fun and easy format.

You don't need to register an account to post, but accounts are free and they work on the wiki as well, making it easy to send messages to other users and keep track your posts and edits.

One of the cool features these forums have is that any time you type the name of a plant, or any name of an article, it will automatically be linked from your post to the article (but it only works automatically with one word article names - otherwise you have to put the article name in double brackets to make it a link). So, for example, if you write Plumeria in your post, it will automatically link to that article.

We're starting off with a few forums, but will add others as time goes by.

Edited On 9:33:56 PM - Fri, Aug 21st 2009 by Raffi

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