Winter plants

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I was wondering which plant would you recommend to illuminate a room during the cold winter.

Any special type of plant ? I am exposed South so I get a lot of sun on (rare) sunny days.

Thank you in advance.

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Hi, what temperature is the room normally at? Is there additional light beside the rare sun?

I am assuming that by illuminate a room, you mean something that has color. Since not too many flowers tend to bloom without a decent amount of light, you might consider plants which have colorful foliage as well as flowers like certain begonias and impatiens which bloom year round and can do well indoors under the right conditions. A bright green fern like the maidenhair fern could also be nice, or many other ferns. Other plants to try include: Croton, Ti plant, Maranta, spider plant, Calathea, Caladium, Coleus, Anthurium, Alocasia, Angelwing Begonia, zebra plant, wandering Jew, Fittonia, Neoregelia, and variegated ivy.

Good luck!

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You may provide artificial light during the winter to Gesneriaceae.
They will feel better and will not grow elongated.

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