Making sure backyard fruit isn't wasted

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There was an LA Times article about collecting backyard fruit for food banks, and other ways to make sure the food is not going to waste. Different organizations have been formed all over California to utilize this resource that often goes to waste, since trees often produce much more than their owners can use.

You can:
  • get involved as a volunteer to help pick the fruit
  • volunteer the fruit from your tree
  • organize a local organization to get this going in your area
  • encourage the planting of more fruit trees in peoples yards, both front and back, to provide increased fruit in future years.

Aside from the resources listed in the article linked to above, a site with good resources on this topic is:
Edited On 3:26:55 PM - Sat, Sep 12th 2009 by Raffi

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Help others learn about
Many retired gardeners do not use the Internet... and therefore do not get the chance to learn about programs like

The solution to that is for people to print out the flier available at and post it in their community as recommended on the web page.

  • Every* gardener goes to a garden shop from time to time... getting them to *think* about donating their produce is a one time effort... after that, it'll come naturally.

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A good way to meet the neighbors
Growing up, I lived on a street where all the neighbors were really close-knit and friendly. It wasn't uncommon for people to share their backyard fruit with their neighbors when they were ready to eat. If I see any fruit trees I usually just ask the occupants of the land if we can pick some of their fruit. They usually agree.

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