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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Elymus (Greek name for a kind of millet) .Gramineae. Lyme-Grass. Wild-Rye. Erect perennial grasses with terminal usually bristly spikes somewhat resembling rye, sometimes grown as ornamentals and having other uses.

Leaves flat or convolute: spikelets 2-6-fld., often long-awned, the uppermost imperfect, sessile, in pairs (rarely in 3s or 4's), at each joint of the continuous or articulate rachis, forming terminal spikes; glumes acute or awned, often placed at the front of the spikelet.— Species about 25, in the temperate regions of both hemispheres. For E. Hystrix, see Hystrix.

E. glaucus, Regel. A glaucous-leaved, dense, cespitose. hardy perennial grass 3-4 ft. high, with very short, smooth Lvs. and erect, elongated spikes: spikelets in 2s, erect, usually 5- fld., densely villous- pubescent. Short-awned. Turkestan. —Rarely in cult. as an ornamental grass. P. B. Kennedy. A. S. Hitchcock. CH

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