Phalaenopsis aphrodite

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Phalaenopsis Aphrodite, Reichb. f. (P. amabilis, Lindl., not Blume). Lvs. elliptic-lanceolate, 1 ft. or more in length, dark green, obliquely retuse: fls. 3 in. diam., pure white, with the labellum streaked and spotted with yellow and red; sepals elliptic-ovate: petals large, rhomboid; lateral lobes oblong, middle lobe trowel- shaped, with white cirrhi. Fls. at various seasons, but most freely during summer. Philippines. B.M. 4297. B.R. 24:34. P.M. 7:49. F.S. 1:40. G.C. 1848:39; II. 26:213. Gn. 31, p. 273; 35, p. 362; 38, p. 157; 48, p. 484. R.H. 1897, p. 150. A.F. 6:89. Var. Dayana, Hort. (P. amabilis var. Dayana, Hort.), has regular fls. with the lower sepals minutely dotted with crimson, the labellum also being heavily marked with bright crimson. A.G. 21:457. Var. casta, Rolfe (P. casta, Reichb. f.). Lvs. thinly spotted: fls. like the type, with a rosy tint especially at the base of the sepals and petals, and a few spots at the base of the lateral sepals. —Scarcely distinct from the following, but distinct from the type. Var. leucorrhoda, Rolfe (P. leucorrhoda, Reichb. f.). Lvs. blotched with gray in irregular bands: sepals and petals flushed with rose, the former yellowish outside; callus yellow, spotted with purple. Philippines. F.M. 1875:166. R.H. 1896:500. Var. Sander-iana, Rolfe (P. Sanderiana, Reichb. f.). Fls. suffused with rose; labellum variegated with brown, purple, and yellow. Isl. of Mindanao. Gn. 24:270; 57, p. 44. Var. gloriosa, Hort. (P. gloriosa, Reichb. f.). Fls. white, with a rose-colored spot on the labellum. Gn. 35:362. CH

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