Persicaria amphibia

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Persicaria amphibia, S. F. Gray (Polygonum amphibium, Linn.). Much spreading and creeping, rooting at the joints, at first more or less pubescent but becoming glabrous with age: lvs. rather thickish and large, oblong, elliptic or lance-elliptic, mostly obtuse or very nearly so; sheaths short, usually not fringed or bordered at the summit: fls. light rose-colored, in a short, dense, terminal spike, the stamens 5 and exserted, and the achene lenticular. In water or bogs, across the continent, and useful for planting in similar places.— When growing in water, the floating lvs. become long- petioled. Var. Hartwrightii, Bissell (P. Hártwrightii, Gray). Differs from the last in having many narrow- lanceolate lvs., bordered and fringed sheaths, and hispid sts., but the distinguishing mark is the foliaceous border on the sheath. Muddy places, across the continent. CH

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