Philodendron {{{latin_name}}}
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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Philodendron (Greek compound for tree-loving). Araceae. Shrubby or tree-like ornamental plants, usually climbing, rarely arboreous. Internodes more or less elongated: lvs. from entire to bipinnatifid: fls. monoecious, on spadices, with no perianth, the sterile with 2-6 stamens united into a sessile obpyramidal body, the pistillate fls. with a 2-10- loculed ovary and some staminodia, the berries inclosed in the involute spathe.—The species are all Trop. American. They are monographed by Engler in Das Pflanzenrich, hft. 60 (IV. 23 Dd) 1913, who accepts 222 species. Some of them are prominent in tropical plantings. Only a few philodendrons can be grown to have an ornamental appearance in a small state. One which goes under the name of P. elegantissimum, with finely cut leaves, makes a good pot specimen, although it will reach considerable height when suitable opportunities are afforded. The same may be said of P. Selloum, a beautiful species with pinnatind leaves. The arborescent kinds should have a very porous rooting medium and copious supplies of water while in active growth. When climbing, they must have provision made for the roots, which are produced along the stems. Some of the species do well climbing up the stems of tall palms, such as arenga and livistona; otherwise dead trunks of tree ferns make admirable rooting substances for the roots to penetrate and cling to. Propagation is by division of the climbing stems. P. elegantissimum is an unidentified trade name. CH
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Pests and diseases
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This large genus is subdivided into several sections and subsectionswp:
Section Baursia, section Philopsammos, section Philodendron (subsections Achyropodium, Canniphyllium, Macrolonchium, Philodendron, Platypodium, Psoropodium and Solenosterigma), section Calostigma (subsections Bulaoana, Eucardium, Glossophyllum, Macrobelium and Oligocarpidium), section Tritomophyllum, section Schizophyllum, section Polytomium, section Macrogynium and section Camptogynium.wp
- Philodendron acutatum Schott
- Philodendron adamantinum Mart. ex Schott
- Philodendron alliodorum Croat & Grayum
- Philodendron auriculatum Standl. & L. O. Williams
- Philodendron bipennifolium Schott
- Philodendron bipinnatifidum Schott ex Endl. - Tree Philodendron
- Philodendron black cardinal'"
- Philodendron consanguineum Schott - Rascagarganta
- Philodendron cordatum (Vell.) Kunth - Heartleaf Philodendron
- Philodendron crassinervium Lindl.
- Philodendron davidsonii Croat
- Philodendron devansayeanum L. Linden
- Philodendron domesticum G. S. Bunting
- Philodendron ensifolium Croat & Grayum
- Philodendron erubescens K. Koch & Augustin
- Philodendron eximium Schott
- Philodendron fragrantissimum
- Philodendron ferrugineum Croat
- Philodendron giganteum Schott - Giant Philodendron
- Philodendron glaucophyllum
- Philodendron gloriosum André
- Philodendron hederaceum (Jacq.) Schott - Vilevine
- Philodendron hederaceum var. oxycardium (Schott) Croat
- Philodendron herbaceum Croat & Grayum
- Philodendron imbe Schott ex Endl. - Philodendron
- Philodendron jacquinii Schott
- Philodendron lacerum (Jacq.) Schott
- Philodendron lingulatum (L.) K. Koch - Treelover
- Philodendron mamei André
- Philodendron marginatum Urban - Puerto Rico Philodendron
- Philodendron martianum Engl.
- Philodendron melanochrysum Linden & André
- Philodendron microstictum Standl. & L. O. Williams
- Philodendron mayoii Symon Mayo
- Philodendron opacum Croat & Grayum
- Philodendron ornatum Schott
- Philodendron pedatum (Hook.) Kunth
- Philodendron panduriforme
- Philodendron pinnatifidum (Jacq.) Schott
- Philodendron radiatum Schott
- Philodendron recurvifolium Schott
- Philodendron renauxii Reitz
- Philodendron robustum Schott
- Philodendron sagittifolium Liebm.
- Philodendron santa leopol
dina Liebm.
- Philodendron sodiroi Hort. Cf. Gard. Chron. (1883) I. 510
- Philodendron speciosum Schott
- Philodendron sphalerum Schott
- Philodendron squamiferum Poepp.
- Philodendron standleyi Grayum
- Philodendron tripartitum (Jacq.) Schott
- Philodendron verrucosum L. Mathieu ex Schott
- Philodendron warscewiczii K. Koch & C. D. Bouché
- Philodendron wendlandii Schott
Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
P. calophyllum, Brongn. (P. nobile, Bull, in part). Lvs. tufted, 2-3 ft. long, 5-6 in. broad at middle, linear-oblong, acuminate, shining above, the costa very thick at base, with linear depressions: spathe pale yellowish green outside, inside bright carmine with white margin. N. Brazil. B.M. 7827. — P. cannifolium, Lvs. thick, coriaceous, oblong, shining above, the costa semi-terete: spathe cymbiform, green outside, purple, green and white inside. Brazil. P. Corsonianum, Makoy. Lvs. 1 1/4-2 1/4 feet long, 11-18 in. broad, shortly pinnatifid, deep green above, beneath purple with green veins: spathe with a purple-crimson spotted tube, the limb light green with red spots outside, the inside carmine with darker spots. Hybrid. — P. Devansayeanum is a scandent species with rather small glossy green leaves which, even to the petioles, are blood-red when young. Peru --P. Duvivieri, Hort. Lvs. broadly and deeply lobed . Brazil. -- P. erubescens, C. Koch. Climbing: lvs. elongated ovate-triangular, 6-8 in. long, 4-6 in. wide: spathe black-purple. --P. Glaziovii is a climber something like P. crassinervium: lvs. oblong-acute, deep green, 12-18 in. long, 3-5 in. broad: spathe open, yellowish, crimson within the tube. Brazil. B.M. 6813. — P. Ilsemanii, Hort. Lvs. oblong, cordate, dark green, splashed or marbled with white, and sometimes tinged rose-pink. G.C. III. 43:289. — P. imperiale is mentioned in European trade-lists. Engler accounts for only one P. imperiale (of Schott) and that he makes a synonym of P. asperatum, Koch. Sander & Co. advertise P. imperiale var. Laucheana: "a lovely trailing stove foliage plant, which is admirably adapted for growing on pillars or wire shapes. It is quite distinct from and greatly superior to the well-known P. imperiale. The habit is much more graceful, the heart-shaped foliage smaller and more elegant. Down the center, from either side of me broad light green midrib, extend irregular blotches of dark green, projecting into a clear glaucous color, the edges of which are relieved by green blotches. The bases of the petioles bear bright red and green phyllodes." P. asperatum is a short-jointed climbing Brazilian species with cordate-ovate entire dull green lvs. — P. Mamei, Andre. Lvs. cordate-ovate, acute, variegated with white: spathe partly open above and whitish, the tube blood-red. Ecuador. R.H. 1883, p. 104 and 492; 1897, p. 573. I.H. 43:66. — P. pertusum is Monstera deliciosa. — P. Simsii, Kunth. Lvs. coriaceous, elongated triangular-sagittate. long-cuspidate, up to 20 in. long: spathe outside black-purple on the tube, yellowish on the limb. Guiana. B.M. 2643. — P. tripartitum, Schott. (Anthurium insigne, Mast.}. Lvs. 3- parted, 6-7 in. long: spathe-tube oblong, the blade whitish, ovate, shortly acuminate. Venezuela. — P. Warscewiezii, C. Koch. Lvs. triangular-sagittate, bipinnatifid, primrose, the lateral primary segms. 5-8 in. long. Cent. Amer. CH
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
External links
- w:Philodendron. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
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