Agave americana

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 Agave americana subsp. var.  Century plant
Agave americana var. 'marginata'
Habit: cacti-succulent
Height: to
Width: to
17ft50ft 12ft
Height: 17 ft to 50 ft
Width: warning.png"" cannot be used as a page name in this wiki. to 12 ft
Lifespan: perennial
Bloom: early summer, mid summer, late summer
Exposure: sun, part-sun
Water: moderate, dry
Features: evergreen, flowers, foliage, drought tolerant
Hidden fields, interally pass variables to right place
Minimum Temp: °Fwarning.png"°F" is not a number.
USDA Zones: 8 to 11
Sunset Zones: 10, 12-30
Flower features: orange, yellow
Agavaceae > Agave americana var. ,

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Agave americana, Linn. (A. altlssima, Zumag. A. europaea, Vis. A. ramosa, Moench. A. spectabilis, Salisb.). Lvs. lanceolate, 6-8 x 60-80 in., smooth, gray, ascending with outcurved ends, with rather short and stout recurved round-grooved very shortly decurrent spine obliquely flattened at base, and moderately large gray prickles on prominent marginal elevations: infl. 20-30 ft., rather slender; fls. 2 1/2-2 3/4 in.; ovary 1 1/4 in., segm. 1 in., tube 1/2 in. Mex.(?). Established around the Medit.—The plant more commonly cult. in this country as A. americana has narrower, more hooked lvs., as in the next, but grayer and with the short recurved spine scarcely decurrent and round at base, var. Milleri, Baker (A. Milleri, Haw.? A. virginia, Mill.? A. laetevirens and A. americana laetevirens, Hort.?) Variegated forms of this, frequently grown, are var. margínata in yellow- or white-margined forms, var. striata variously lined with yellow or white, and var. medio-picta with a broad median yellow band. Wiesner Festschr., pl. 6. A reputed hybrid between A. americana and A. densiflora is x A. massiliensis. Hort. Deleuil.

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