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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
22:59, 13 September 2023Native Frangipani (Hymenosporum flavum).jpg (file)227 KBWattle (Australian Native Frangipani (Hymenosporum flavum))1
19:41, 17 August 2023CC Some Rights Reserved.png (file)59 KBKirka 1
19:36, 17 August 2023CC some rights reserved.svg (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: wmf2eps: not found
convert: Delegate failed `"wmf2eps" -o "%o" "%i"' @ delegate.c/InvokeDelegate/1060.
convert: unable to open image `/tmp/magick-XXBchmS9': No such file or directory @ blob.c/OpenBlob/2480.
convert: unable to open file `/tmp/magick-XXBchmS9': No such file or directory @ constitute.c/ReadImage/569.
convert: missing an image filename `PNG:/tmp/transform_4ea0ad0-1.png' @ convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2838.
22 KBKirka 2
02:48, 14 August 2023Great Seal of the United States (obverse).png (file)212 KBKirka 1
12:30, 28 March 20212016-09-14 15-33-51-BA-S.jpg (file)691 KBRaffi (Author Niepokój Zbigniew This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.
17:07, 21 November 2012Malva neglecta.jpg (file)930 KBGardenmaster (Juvenile Malva neglecta; leaves)2
14:46, 1 March 2012NAPPFAST plant hardiness zone map 30yr preview.gif (file)29 KBFkorning (NCSU NAPPFAST plant hardiness zone map (30 year) - preview with legend public domain - research data
14:11, 1 March 2012NAPPFAST plant hardiness zone map 30yr.gif (file)321 KBFkorning (NCSU NAPPFAST Plant Hardiness Zone Map (30 year) public domain - research data
14:07, 1 March 2012NAPPFAST plant hardiness zones.gif (file)3 KBFkorning (NCSU NAPPFAST Plant Hardiness Zones public domain - research data
02:24, 20 February 2012Female coco de mer growth.jpg (file)3.33 MBJht ((a female Coco de mer palm tree with some seeds in the growth. Photo taken by user in July 2004, Praslin, Seychelles. From:
13:27, 7 September 2011IMG 2295a.jpg (file)426 KBAntoinetteJanssen (Aconitum cammarum 'Bicolor')1
11:34, 29 June 2011Chysis limminghei 063.jpg (file)96 KBYves 4
11:44, 28 June 2011Lycaste groganii.JPG (file)202 KBYves (Lycaste aromatica x deppei = hybrid formula. Lycaste x groganii (E.Cooper 1931) Natural hybrid. Source KEW Accepted by Govaerts,R.2003 - Oakley,H.F.2008 )1
23:19, 27 June 2011Hass avodado sprout.png (file)767 KBPbamma (6 inch Hass Avodado sprout 1 month old. )1
22:56, 27 June 2011Upload.png (file)14 KBRaffi (Reverted to version as of 22:49, 5 February 2009)3
22:34, 27 June 2011Hass avocado 1 month old2.JPG (file)1.52 MBPbamma (6 inch seedling grown from store bought Hass Avocado pit. It took a good two months to finally sprout out of the ground I threw it in that was watered by sprinklers every couple of days. )1
22:32, 27 June 2011Hass avocado 1 month old.JPG (file)1.64 MBPbamma (6 inch seedling grown from store bought Hass Avocado pit. It took a good two months to finally sprout out of the ground I threw it in that was watered by sprinklers every couple of days. )1
18:06, 7 June 2011Sessile.jpg (file)240 KBBeamer 1
18:05, 7 June 2011Palms at dusk.jpg (file)240 KBBeamer (Sessile.jpg)2
17:46, 7 June 2011Anther.JPG (file)17 KBBeamer 1
17:24, 7 June 2011Aloe Vera Plant Flower 2.jpg (file)189 KBBeamer (A close up of the aloe vera plant flower.)1
17:21, 7 June 2011Aloe vera Plant Flower 2.jpg (file)221 KBBeamer (A close up of the aloe vera plant flower.)1
12:11, 31 May 2011IMAG0145.jpg (file)1.51 MBSayedurrchowdhury (Flowering state of Crab-Apple)1
12:53, 23 April 2011Imbox notice.png (file)3 KBRaffi 1
01:06, 9 January 2011H. citrina.jpg (file)166 KBCDN.mj 1
01:02, 9 January 2011H. fulva Europa.jpg (file)125 KBCDN.mj 1
01:01, 9 January 2011H. citrina 2.jpg (file)150 KBCDN.mj 1
00:59, 9 January 2011H. altissima.jpg (file)124 KBCDN.mj 1
15:55, 17 November 2010Brom-mariae-reginae 003.jpg (file)119 KBRaffi (Aechmea mariae-reginae Submitted by Lisa Morris.)1
15:54, 17 November 2010Brom-mariae-reginae 002.jpg (file)103 KBRaffi 1
15:53, 17 November 2010Brom-mariae-reginae 001.jpg (file)116 KBRaffi (Submitted by Lisa Morris)1
23:00, 23 September 2010Thecasualgardener-frontyard-veggie-garden.jpg (file)937 KBRaffi (This photo is Copyright Shawna Coronado. It is available under the Creative Commons License for use with attribution to "Shawna Coronado / []" To learn more about the garden in this photo, read [http://thec)1
16:49, 21 September 2010Gardenrant-guest.jpg (file)10 KBRaffi (Used with permission from
21:57, 26 August 2010Catalog forestfarm.gif (file)31 KBRaffi (Forestfarm 2010 Catalog. Copyright 2010 Forestfarm,
14:44, 20 June frog-IMG 6424.JPG (file)81 KBRaffi ({{raffiphoto|year=2010}})1
12:41, 15 June 2010Cudrania tricuspidata.JPG (file)275 KBAnauteron (A young seedling (90 days old))1
12:37, 15 June 2010IMG 1724.JPG (file)268 KBAnauteron (Two Cudrania seedlings)1
12:33, 15 June 2010IMG 1720.JPG (file)298 KBAnauteron (These are some of my young Cudrania tricuspidata seedlings )1
23:24, 8 June 2010New Guayusa Leaves Close-Up.jpg (file)173 KBTrgage 2
12:24, 6 June 2010DSC06055.JPG (file)1.98 MBTonniesporch 1
15:44, 25 May 2010Crasperf.JPG (file)37 KBIceysparx (Changed Image size, cropped any unwanted info)2
13:06, 6 May 2010Fir (Abies forrestii) 2.JPG (file)1.1 MBTawtrees 1
13:02, 6 May 2010Fir (Abies forrestii) 1.JPG (file)1.14 MBTawtrees 1
07:09, 3 May 20107th July 2007 012.jpg (file)1.78 MBTelecom69 2
07:06, 3 May 2010Red leaved Becgonias.jpg (file)1.88 MBTelecom69 1
13:52, 23 April 2010Dracaena Sanderiana, with flower near to bloom.jpg (file)19 KBFarolestar 1
13:51, 23 April 2010Dracaena Sanderiana in flower - 22 April, 2010.jpg (file)25 KBFarolestar 1
13:49, 23 April 2010Little white lilies of Dracaena Sanderiana flower - img.2.jpg (file)16 KBFarolestar 1
13:49, 23 April 2010Little white lilies of Dracaena Sanderiana flower.jpg (file)19 KBFarolestar 1
13:46, 23 April 2010Dracaena Sanderiana bud.jpg (file)21 KBFarolestar 1

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